A pipeline with a challenge upfront.
The inside of the new 20” oxygen pipeline was contaminated with paint.
Hotshot chemical cleaning: A pipeline with a challenge upfront.
Teamwork made it a success!
The inside of the new 20” oxygen pipeline was contaminated with paint. This needed to be removed before we could start with the chemical cleaning.
With the knowledge and expertise shared both ways between service companies, we faced this challenge heads-on as one team.
The result: Successfully removed the paint that was left in the line.
The solution: The right chemicals and pigs with respect to contact time.
In the next phase we chemically cleaned the pipeline with different batches of chemicals.
Afterwards we propelled foam pigs with nitrogen in varied sizes to dewater the pipeline.
We finished the job with a final test on the pipeline and handed over a clean oxygen pipeline to a satisfied client.
Chemical cleaning pipeline challenge ahead? Please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. +31 (0)524 599 980 of sales@prs-international.nl